Le Carré over Hamburg…
Hamburgse inspiratie
In 2008 sprak John le Carré over de achtergronden van zijn roman A Most Wanted Man. Hij toont meerdere locaties in Hamburg die zijn boek en later de film hebben geïnspireerd.

…en over Hoffman
In The New York Times beschreef John le Carré zijn ervaringen met Philip Seymour Hoffman op de set van A Most Wanted Man. Over diens Duitse accent in de film: ‘No German I knew spoke English like this. He did a mouth thing, a kind of pout. He seemed to kiss his lines rather than speak them. Then gradually he did what only the greatest actors can do. He made his voice the only authentic one, the lonely one, the odd one out, the one you depended on amid all the others. And every time it left the stage, like the great man himself, you waited for its return with impatience and mounting unease.’ Lees het hier.

Oeuvreprijs Corbijn: Bono doet Brood
Bij de uitreiking van de oeuvreprijs van het Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds in 2011 aan...